Do you ever ask why? Sure you do. I do too. I have asked why to those really tough questions., but that's not what I am going to talk about in this post.
I have asked why a little less to those things that are not terrible but definitely inconvenient. Like why we got stuck in a four traffic jam on the interstate or why I forgot to pay my phone bill and then proceed to call the phone company to rant about THEIR mistake (I am a work of grace in progress). But I am not even talking about those things. I am talking about the whys, that at the end of the day you have to laugh about it. The things that get retold at parties, or the things that you find yourself stopping and laughing out loud about in the grocery store. You don't do that? Don't come shopping with me, you might be embarrassed. Do you ever ask........
Why does your baby have a diaper blow out in the parking lot of the grocery store when your older kid has to use the potty in an emergency kind of way, you have one wipe left and no extra outfit?
Why, when you are reading a blog to your husband about how you are both going miss the preschool years, your son tries to talk to your husband the whole time you are reading and your baby's spoon that is covered in orangey mush, goes tumbling down your pants?
Why do you only spill food on the one part of your shirt that is the most visible to everyone, when you don't have time to change?
Why is it when you go to bed late your kids wake up early?
I try to look for lessons in life. I find them often but sometimes I think the lesson is just to relax. To be humble. To remember that a clean shirt, a blog read, and a well rested self isn't the most important thing. I think these things are good reminder to laugh at yourself. To cut yourself some slack and to help others do the same. I think God has a sense of humor too. And I think He laughs (in perfect divine love) at us sometimes. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows our clumsiness, our absent-mindedness and our weaknesses and He loves us anyway. He thinks we are neat because we are His. So the next time my child walks out of the bathroom with no clothes on while company is over, and I spend 10 minutes fixing my hair to find our later that I have a kool-aid smile, I am going to laugh. Its better than crying.
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