Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Mom's 12 days of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas motherhood gave to me...

A screaming baby in a jumparoo.

On the second day of Christmas motherhood gave to me...

Two missing shoes

And a screaming baby in a jumparoo.

On the third day of Christmas motherhood gave to me...

Three kissed boo boos

Two missing shoes, and a screaming baby in a jumparoo.

On the fourth day of Christmas motherhood gave to me...

Four fish stick dinners

Three kissed boo boos, two missing shoes, and a screaming baby in a jumparoo.

On the fifth day of Christmas motherhood gave to me...


Four fish stick dinners, three kissed boo boos, two missing shoes, and a screaming baby in a jumparoo.

On the sixth day of Christmas motherhood gave to me...

Six loads of laundry

FIVE GOODNIGHT KISSES! Four fish stick dinners, three kissed boo boos, two missing shoes, and a screaming baby in a jumparoo.

On the seventh day of Christmas motherhood gave to me...

Seven broken ornaments

Six loads of laundry, FIVE GOODNIGHT KISSES! Four fish stick dinners, three kissed boo boos, two missing shoes, and a screaming baby in a jumparoo

On the eighth day of of Christmas motherhood gave to me...

Eight "Mind your manners!"

Seven broken ornaments, six loads of laundry, FIVE GOODNIGHT KISSES! Four fish stick dinners, three kissed boo boos, two missing shoes, and a screaming baby in a jumparoo

On the ninth day of Christmas motherhood gave to me...

Nine diaper changes

Eight "Mind your manners!" seven broken ornaments, six loads of laundry, FIVE GOODNIGHT KISSES! Four fish stick dinners, three kissed boo boos, two missing shoes, and a screaming baby in a jumparoo.

On the tenth day of Christmas motherhood gave to me...

Ten "I love you"s

Nine diaper changes, eight "Mind your manners!" seven broken ornaments, six loads of laundry, FIVE GOODNIGHT KISSES! Four fish stick dinners, three kissed boo boos, two missing shoes, and a screaming baby in a jumparoo.

On the eleventh day of Christmas motherhood gave to me...

Eleven Tattlers Telling

Ten "I love you"s, nine diaper changes, eight "Mind your manners!" seven broken ornaments, six loads of laundry, FIVE GOODNIGHT KISSES! Four fish stick dinners, three kissed boo boos, two missing shoes, and a screaming baby in a jumparoo.

On the twelfth day of Christmas motherhood gave to me...

Twelve sleepless nights

Eleven Tattlers Telling, ten "I love you"s, nine diaper changes, eight "Mind your manners!" seven broken ornaments, six loads of laundry, FIVE GOODNIGHT KISSES! Four fish stick dinners, three kissed boo boos, two missing shoes, and a screaming baby in a jumparoo.

Friday, May 18, 2012

What I have learned from my kids...so far.

God has generously blessed my husband and I with three healthy children and a fourth to make his appearance in August. I have said MANY times that my kids teach me regularly. They teach me as much if not more than I teach them. I am by no means in the ranks of a seasoned mom(my oldest is only 7) but I as I look back on these 7 years I can already see the many lessons I have gleaned from this crazy ride called parenting. So here is my list of 20 things I have learned so far. Some of them are funny(in my opinion), some serious, but all are part of me and our little circus.

1. Life rarely turns out like you plan. I know you can learn this without kids, but this was a lesson I learned from day one of being a mom. My first son was born after 8 hours of labor via c-section. I broke all the "rules" I had set for myself in the first 24 hours. I had severe postpartum depression for the first three months and the first 5 months or so of my boy's life out of my womb are a blur to me. Would I change any of that? No. As my husband says, "It is what it is." The unexpected makes life interesting, makes me wiser, and definitely helps my faith and my prayer life.

2. Hot dogs will survive a trip through the washer and the dryer.

3. Boys and girls are wonderfully different.

4. I can't look to my kids for emotional fulfillment. They are fallible humans just like me. They are incapable of filling the void in my heart. Only God can do that. My kids love me and I am over the top nuts about them. We let each other down. We can't help it.

5. Kids will show you your faults. ALL of them. I sometimes get mad at one of my boys for a response and then I realize it's the exact same response that would come from me.

6. When kids are tired(at least my kids) they add an extra syllable to words. For example, with a whiny voice, "Mommy" becomes "Mommy-a!" or "ow" become " oww-a!"

7. I need my own parents more today then I did before I had kids.

8. Baby powder when shaken lightly over an entire room takes a long time to clean up.

9. Sometimes it's better not to ask.

10. My kids are hilarious. Really.

11. I always knew how special a daddy/daughter bond could be; I just never realized how amazing it would be to watch my husband and daughter share one.

12. Just when you think you have your kid figured out they change.

13. God gave me a good man. Again, not necessary to have children to learn. But when I see my husband with my kids, and the way he loves them, I realize how blessed I am.

14. I can handle more than I thought.

15. Throw up no longer scares me and rarely grosses me out. 

16. Good mommy friends are a nessecity.

17. I was a much better parent before I had kids.

18. I am now so thankful for the time of day called, "bedtime".

19. I now understand the phrase, "Pride and joy".

20. It is only by God's amazing grace that I have accomplished any good in raising my kids. Being a parent is so hard but the Lord has been so faithful. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


The soft tick of the wall clock and the sounds of my husband and daughter sleeping was the music to that night. I laid in bed at my parent's house with my eyes wide open. It was well after midnight and the rest of the house was fast asleep with full bellies and hearts after a great Christmas day and evening together. My Christmas wishes were met and I was with the people I care about most. What could possibly keep me up? Fear. Dictionary.com defines fear as a noun "a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid." I would like to say this was a one-time thing, but it wasn't. In fact, I had been dealing with a lot of fear lately. It hit me out of nowhere and I don't like who I am with it on board. I could tell you of what I was fearful but it doesn't matter all that much. Each of you have your own fears. Some fear is good. The fear of being hit by a car is good to teach children, so they don't walk out into the street. The fear of hurting a loved one is good because we need to gaurd our mouth and actions. I am not talking about that kind of fear. I am talking about the kind that keeps you up, makes you anxiety ridden, and can leave you breathless. This last week God has taught me a lot about fear. I am not expert and certainly haven't conquered it but I want to share with you how I am learning to deal with it.

1. God tells us in His Word in some way to not be afraid 365 times. That's one for every day of the year. Charles Sprugeon said in his devotional, Morning and Evening that "We may be certain that whatever God has made prominent in His Word, He intended to be conspicuous in our lives." I think that applies here. I have also read in scripture that we are commanded to not be afraid, BECAUSE God is with us. He is our strength, our refuge. He is with us wherever we go.

2. Don't make decisions out of fear. This is something my husband and I have tried to put into practice in every aspect of our lives. Whether it comes to our money, our children's education or our emotions, we work very hard to seek the Lord and let the Holy Spirit guide us. I have found fear-based decisions rarely yield good long-term results.

3. Go ahead and play it out to the end. Beth Moore, an awesome Bible teacher and author gave this direction in one of her Bible Studies. She said if you are scared of something to go ahead and go through the what ifs. For example: What if my husband loses his job? We would have money for about a week. Then what? Well, we would clean out the pantry. Then what? We would start selling/pawning things to buy what we needed. Then what? You get my/her point. Play it out until you get to the end of the line. When all you have left is you, and all you can do is look up. When you look up you see that you aren't alone. Remember, God promises in His Word to never leave us.

4. Remember what fear is. F.E.A.R  is Forgetting Everything's Already Resolved. God is sovereign. He holds the world and the future. He designed it, so He knows the beginning, the end and all that is in between. That same God loves us so much and wants us to rest in the fact that He has it all figured out. We don't have to fear because God already knows the ending. He is taking care of us. Yes we have to make godly, sound decisions. No, this is not a call to complacency. It's a comfort and a joy to know that we don't have to be afraid.

The particular fear I was having the other night is gone. I was able to let it go because I realized two things. One. Being fearful takes a lot of energy. Two.(This one I learned from my dad) If the God who made the universe can't keep safe, work out, etc. whatever we are fearing, what makes us think in our finite humaness, that we would be able to fix it by worrying and being scared.

1. Spurgeon, Charles. Revised by Begg, Allistair
Morning and Evening
Wheaten, Illinois
Crossway Books 2003

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Comedy

The Christmas season is meant to be joyous, and for many it is. So far this Christmas season I have experienced some joy, some sadness(my father-in-law passed away over the summer) and some moments that have struck me as just plain hilarious....

Parenting skills?
I directed our children's Christmas program at church for the very first time. It was a great experience and as expected, working with children provides humor. My son was chosen to be Joseph which meant he sat on the stage beside the manger. My niece was Mary and sat on the other side of the manger. They live down the street from each other, are very close in age, and fight like cats and dogs. My niece stroked Baby Jesus'(a doll) head, held him close, and patted him. My son, threw straw on Baby Jesus and straw out of the manger. My niece whispered loudly for him to stop. REPEATEDLY. My son just sat there with a big grin on his face. A friend said she wondered if that's how it was in the manger. Mary: "Stop touching him, Joseph! I just got him to sleep!"

The Reason for the Season
After listening to a precious song on the radio about Jesus being the best gift at Christmas my four year old said, "Mom, you know what the best thing about Christmas is?" I was anticipating his very spiritual response of "Jesus". He then answered, "Presents!!" Fail.

Who was that again?
While discussing the Christmas story with our boys I asked who came to visit Baby Jesus., My four year: "Abraham!" Me: "No, how about the three wise men? Ok, What did they bring to Jesus?" My four year old, "um....treasure boxes and hats" What? So I am thinking we need to review.....

I know there will be more this Christmas. With all the sadness there is I am so thankful for the stuff that just has me laughing. There is so much for which to be joyful. God loves us enough that he sent his Son, Jesus to earth. Jesus lived a perfect but also very human life, died a horrible death and then conquered it so we could live. That is something to be excited and joyous about this Christmas.

Friday, October 21, 2011

All to Jesus I surrender

There is an old hymn that I grew up singing called, "All to Jesus, I surrender". I have sung, hummed and read the words to that tune so many times I have it memorized. The first verse and chorus go like this:

"All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him, I freely give. I will ever love and trust Him, in His presence daily live.

I surrender all, I surrender all. All to Jesus I surrender, I surrender all." -J.W Van De Venter

I have been thinking about that hymn and what it all means. To surrender everything to Jesus. I believe without a doubt that I am a follower of Jesus. I love Him and believe He died for hopeless sinners like me. In a general sense I know I have surrendered my life to Him.

Knowing that, I realized today that I have been holding on to some things that I wasn't willing to freely give to Jesus. Struggles, stresses, and fears that I had a grip on so tight you couldn't pry them out if you tried. Sleepless nights, anxiety and nervous habits had me to the point of tears as I tried to read  my Bible this morning. The unknown and frankly the known, had my stomach in knots. As I sat down to write my prayers, I knew I had to give it all to Jesus. One by one, I told Him my fears, my concerns and that I coun't bear the weight of them anymore.

I learned recently that there is a widely misquoted passage in scripture. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says that "God will never tempt us beyond what we can bear." People often misquote that verse and say that God will never give us more than we can handle. In 2 Corinthians 1:8-11, a man named Paul, who was a great minster of gospel of Jesus, clearly says that the struggles and persecution he and his friends endured were more than they could bear. Their only deliverance was God. I take so much comfort in that. Sometime life is unbearable. Sometimes it feels like God has heaped more on us than we can take. But God doesn't want us to suffer in silence! God wants us turn to Him. Especially when it's too much. He says in His Word to cast our cares on Him because He cares for us.(1 Peter 5:7 )  He can handle our hurts and burdens much better than we can. His yolk is easy and His burden is light. (Matthew 11:30)

So knowing all this, have I truly surrendered those things? As I was praying, I told the Lord that I could only give Him an hour of surrender. Why? Because I know myself. I knew that in an hour or so, my own flesh and the enemy would creep in. So for right now, for the next hour, I surrender my frustrations, my anxieties, my fears and small victories to Jesus.

"I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord;
No tender voice like Thine can peace afford.

I need Thee, oh, I need Thee;
Every hour I need Thee;
Oh, bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.

I need Thee every hour, stay Thou nearby;
Temptations lose their pow’r when Thou art nigh.
I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain;
Come quickly and abide, or life is vain.
I need Thee every hour; teach me Thy will;
And Thy rich promises in me fulfill.
I need Thee every hour, most Holy One;
Oh, make me Thine indeed, Thou blessed Son.

I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain;
Come quickly and abide, or life is vain.
I need Thee every hour; teach me Thy will;
And Thy rich promises in me fulfill.
I need Thee every hour, most Holy One;
Oh, make me Thine indeed, Thou blessed Son."

- Annie Hawks


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mom guilt

As moms we all have things we feel we must do to be good parents. Whether we have read it in a book, have seen someone do it, or just listened to moms talking, we often get an idea of how we want to parent before our kids are born. Sometimes, as hard as we try, we just can't do some of those things or we realize there is a better way for us. We try to let it go but we can't and that's when it starts. Mom guilt. That feeling that you have failed as parent because you didn't do something like you thought it had to be done. We have all felt it. We see our mom friends, read blogs, and watch perfect strangers accomplish that thing or things we didn't, and we feel tremendous guilt. Most of the time it's our own insecurities, but sometimes even our well-meaning friends "help us" by asking things like; "Oh, you let your child watch that?" or "We don't allow Tommy to eat that." The guilt you are already experiencing is multiplied because now you think "Not only am I not accomplishing everything I thought I should at this point, but my friend thinks I am a loser mom too." There is also a thing my husband calls, "Quiet disapproval". Those times when we clearly don't agree with what our mom friend is doing, but instead of just saying it, we sit in silence, all the while we are thinking "If they would only do it like we do, then they wouldn't have that problem."

You know what? I am so tired of that garbage. First of all, we as mom's should be supporting one another. Being a mom is hard. No matter how you do it, it's tough. Second, being a godly mom is even tougher. Raising your kids to love God, to love the people around them, and to see themselves in light of God's love for them is a real challenge. I think it's time we stop looking down our noses at each other and start praying for each other. We should be encouraging each other in our walks with the Lord. We should be offering advice ONLY when asked and only offer hugs and encouragement the rest of the time. I want to come to the end of my child rearing years and say that I raised my kids to the glorification of my God and I taught them what God's grace lived out, means.

 There is more than one way to be a godly mother.  Whatever way or combination of ways you parent your gifts from the Lord, do it to God's glory and He will bless your efforts. I have come up with a list of a few things I refuse to feel guilty about and another list of things that if I didn't feel guilty about not accomplishing them, then I am not who I claim.

I refuse to feel guilty about.....

1. Using formula: I 100% believe that breastfeeding is God's design. I think it's natural and has many health benefits for mom and baby. We live in a fallen world and because of that, the natural and best way doesn't always work. I have done it semi-successfully twice but have never completed the full first year recommendation. You know? I am ok with that. All three of my children are loved, well fed and get good care. I won't feel guilty that my child has a full belly from formula.

2. Choosing public school: My husband and I prayed, sought counsel, talked to other parents and older kids about the possible school options since our oldest was a baby. We looked very carefully at the pros and cons of home school, public school and private school. In the end, we chose public school. Has it been easy sticking to our decision? Not always. Would we make the same one? Yes. We continue to think about, pray, and evaluate our kids and how they are doing. We may at some point do something else, but right now we feel this is where we belong. I refuse to feel guilty about that.

3. Letting my kids watch TV: I LOVE my kids. They are creative, funny and bright blessings in my life. Do I sometimes let them watch TV so I can get something done? ABSOLUTELY. Sometimes, I let them watch it because we just need some chill time and a short show on PBS helps. Sometimes, I let them watch TV because they want to watch it. My kids are healthy, well-adjusted children. They watch TV sometimes and I will not feel guilty about that.

Things I will and should feel guilt about:

1. If I don't tell and live out the Love of Christ for my kids then I have not done a good job as a parent.

2. If I don't love their daddy and respect him and show them what a godly wife looks like then I will feel guilty about that.

3. If I don't model for my kids what a relationship with Jesus looks like. If they never see me pray, read my Bible and discuss spiritual things then I am not doing right by them.

4. If I never say I am sorry to them when I have wronged them. If I don't listen to them, or show an interest in them,. then I have not accomplished what I should as a parent.

These are things I want most.  These are things that I am going to focus on. If I am living my life for Christ, seeking Him and spending time with Him, then I will be able to more easily know what is right for my kids. However you parent, do it to the Glory of God. Don't judge other moms. Love them. They need it, just like you do. If they are loving their kids well, even if it's not how you would, they need to be told they are doing a good job. I promise to do my best not to judge you or add to your mom guilt, can you do the same for me?

"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Our Family Mission Statement

The Purcell Family Mission Statement
We, the Purcell Family want to make God happy. We want to grow to love God more. We will work hard to get along with each other and play well together. We will try our best to love each other like God wants us to. We will help each other with hard and easy things. We will have happy hearts and we will work to show our friends and other family members our happy hearts and love. With God’s help, we will work to love, help and do what’s right.